When my daughter (aged 13) doesn’t particularly like the behavior of someone from the male persuasion, she often refers to that person as a “DICK’s Sporting Goods.” An example of this would be: “Ugh. … [Read more...] about Mona
The Eyedeegafs
A few months ago, before the days of Coronavirus and homeschooling, my daughter, F, took the time to break down the different “groups” in her grade level at her school. F is in 7th grade, almost 13 … [Read more...] about The Eyedeegafs
Don’t Be Stupid, Part 2
I hate that it took me a year to write this post. But I guess some years are like that. My last two were. I bit off more than I could chew professionally, so other things got the shaft. I'm sad the … [Read more...] about Don’t Be Stupid, Part 2
Block Out The Noise
An announcement filled with bad news is the quickest way to elicit unconditional support from the people around you. Oddly enough, the same is not always true when it comes to good news. That’s … [Read more...] about Block Out The Noise
Just Part Of Being A Girl
You know, it’s funny. After all the summers I spent living at Camp Tanuga, I never really paid attention to the differences between boys and girls until my visits this summer. I think it's because … [Read more...] about Just Part Of Being A Girl
Unfinished Business
I went to a funeral the other day. It wasn’t my first, I have been to many funerals, but it was one of the most memorable. The man that died, he was my friend’s dad. I didn’t really know him because … [Read more...] about Unfinished Business
“Fell On Black Days”
The day started out normal enough. I woke up, as usual, before my alarm. Looked to my left. No one there, but I’m used to that. My husband always leaves for Camp Tanuga, where he is one of the … [Read more...] about “Fell On Black Days”
Not Everybody Is Going To Like You
The other day, after school, one of my daughters was blah blah blah about some game she and her friends were playing at recess. I stopped her because the story was taking like 3 hours, and … [Read more...] about Not Everybody Is Going To Like You
Do You Believe In G-D?
As a parent there are certain, inevitable questions you need to be prepared for: “Where do babies come from?” “Who invented pretzels?” And the ever popular: “Do you believe in G-D?” … [Read more...] about Do You Believe In G-D?
Mailbag Monday! When You Didn’t Mean To Hit REPLY TO ALL, Teenager Mood Swings and The Big Game
It's Mailbag Monday at Dim Sum and Doughnuts! Below are the topics/questions for this installment. Feel free to agree, disagree or add on in the comment section. #ItTakesAVillage Here we go, … [Read more...] about Mailbag Monday! When You Didn’t Mean To Hit REPLY TO ALL, Teenager Mood Swings and The Big Game