The other day I was walking out of a restaurant with my mom and two young daughters when we ran into a good friend and her little dog. The girls were all over the dog and my mom was all about my friend, so I figured it was OK to answer a text from my husband. Was that rude? Yes. Was I cheetah-fast in my text response? Absolutely. Did it matter? No. I got busted. I heard my friend say something about how I was SO busy answering a text–but I was very fast and it wasn’t my fault! I can’t ignore my husband. He needs me! Plus, it was very important.
Or was it?
I could have waited to get back to him. I should have waited. We were visiting with a friend and I was being rude. My husband wasn’t drowning in quicksand or being chased by bad guys, but I know how I operate and once I open a text message if I don’t respond with immediacy, there is a good chance I will completely forget about it all together.
For this reason, my phone is usually with me. That way there is no incoming-build-up. Recently, my very sweet 2-year-old daughter (completely unprompted) brought me my phone. While I felt a flicker of sadness that my little girl must have thought it was weird to see mommy without her phone, I was also very thankful that she brought it to me. I heard some chirping from the other room and I was curious to see if I got a text from someone good. I didn’t. But, when you hear the beep, the gong or whatever song you downloaded to let you know that a message has come in, you’re curious too.
I know my boundaries though. I no longer text or email while driving (now I just hope for a red light so I can fire something off). I don’t text or email during concerts (that‘s a lie). I never use my phone when I’m at the movies (only during the previews) and I certainly shut it down if I’m at a funeral (I’m not heartless). I also don’t text during face-to-face conversations with others unless it’s mutually agreed upon that we’re both going to do it—and even then I’ll say something apologetic before going all thumbs on my phone like “Ugh, hang on, I’m so sorry. It’s Eminem. Again. I have to respond. Seriously, he can’t do anything without me.”
Not everyone is as awesomely considerate as I am though. I was at a birthday party some months ago and I ran into someone I truly adore. We were having what I thought was a fairly engaging catch-up session, but then I saw him check his phone while talking to me. WHILE TALKING TO ME! Admittedly, he held up his side of the conversation, but I don’t care—he flat out scrolled through his messages, more than once, while he was talking to me. I’m sorry. Am I not entertaining enough for you? Well, just so you know—I was going to take my top off, but now I’m not.
Next up: The people who leave voice mail messages that are anywhere near the vicinity of this: “Hi! I have to tell you something. Call me back.” STOP IT. I can read. I saw that you called. I’ll call you back. My friend, “Nags” does this. He has been doing it since 1997 and everyone in our group has yelled at him about it ad nauseum, but he doesn’t care.
Me: Stop leaving stupid messages on my voice mail.
Nags: They’re not stupid.
Me: Yes, they are. Telling me to call you back is not a good enough message. I talk to you 100 times a day. Of course I’m going to call you back. Either leave me a message with good info and juice, or know that I saw you called. “Hi, call me back!” is pointless and stupid.
Nags: Too bad.
Me: No. Calling my voice mail takes time and effort. I have to physically call my voice mail, enter my password, listen to the lady warn me about old messages that are going to be deleted if I don’t do something about them, and then—when I finally get to yours, it’s not even good. Stop it!
Nags: I’ll never stop.
The flip side of the voice mail message is this: The message is too long and mostly filled with crap and filler. I have a tendency to leave those kinds of messages. I crack under the pressure of leaving a good message and instead I ramble on and on about nothing. If you do it to me though, I’m going to 3-3-7 you. [Side note: If you hit 3-3-7 during a painful voice mail message, it takes you to the end of the message allowing you to delete it and end your suffering].
I’m OK with long messages as long as they are entertaining and they don’t require a callback, but usually the caller wants a callback and then, inevitably, when I call the person back, she repeats the entire message I already listened to on my voice mail. If you’re just going to repeat the whole story, WHAT THE HELL DID YOU LEAVE A MESSAGE FOR? Text me to call you back, or just know that I saw that you called. I’ll call you and you’ll tell me your story—trust me, I want to hear it, I love information—but if you’re the type who is going to repeat the whole story as soon as we talk, I’m going to 3-3-7 you. I’m going to 3-3-7 you all day long, sister.
We’re all busy. It’s hard to find time to talk on the phone, so it’s nice that we have several alternative ways to communicate. I love them all and I use them all.
Although, after my friends read this, I have a feeling I won’t be using many of them today.
Thanks for being here!
Facebook : DimSumandDoughnuts
Twitter: RobynCoden
Instagram: dimsumanddoughnuts
You’re baaaaccccck, hoooorrray!
Thank you!! You are good to me.
I love your blogs – and I hate rude phone etiquette – the worst offense for me was an accident (are there really accidents?). I was at my girlfriend’s son’s bat mitzvah service and I SWEAR I turned off my phone, but apparently the phone didn’t get the message because during Jarod’s haf torah in an otherwise silent synagogue, there goes my phone – thankfully I was at the very corner of the room but it took me three rings to get that thing to shut off! I never told my girlfriend it was me so hopefully she doesn’t read your blog – after all, it was 8 years ago – so the statute of limitations is surely lifted.
I think for Jews the statute is 18 years…it has to work with CHAI and there has to be some extra years for guilt–but don’t worry, I’ll never tell. I’m so happy you like the blog. It makes it all worth it right now. You don’t even know. Thank you so much!!!
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn’t Nags like to text?
He does it all… 🙂
Yay, Robyn! I’ve been checking this blog darn near every day….
Great topic, too. I know not of the text hell as I’m furiously trying to keep the olden-days alive and have refused to learn how to text. Having to figure out how to get a non-embarrassing ringtone on my cell was hard enough (hubby programmed it for “Superfreak”, go figure), I can’t imagine trying to wrap my luddite brain around cycling through the alphabet circuitously to type a single word. Putting contacts into the phone is bad enough. There are no apostrophes on my phone, either. Damn.
I have a friend whom, we have discovered, sends a text once every eight minutes. We are seriously considering an intervention for him. Is there a clinic for this? We think his daughter might grow up to believe he can only function in seven minute intervals before needing a text ‘hit’.
Great fun reading this.
Hazel!! I’m so happy you liked it. I always love hearing from you. The fact that you have Superfreak on your phone is making me laugh very hard, but I should probably shut it since my current ring tone is the Flash Gordon song by Queen. I’m glad you’re keeping it old school. I refuse to BBM and I’d tell you to be proud of me but I have a feeling you have no idea what that is…you are truly the best.
Thanks for giving me heads up on this one. Can’t say it enough – stop telling me to call you back Nags! Have 10 messages waiting and thanks to Robyn I can 337. While on that topic thought you would get a kick out of me getting my new blackberry and getting excited over a new option. The option for the phone to “read” my text messages as soon as they appear. Pretty cool when you are driving and cannot look at your phone (not suppose to, Rob). But not cool when your friend knows you just got this option and she purposely started texting “sexual” innuendos, and your phone goes off reading her text, at a Church. Exactly during the time of “reflection” when every single person is quiet and reflecting. (Thanks to Ar). Sorry comment so long, but as you know, you aren’t getting another one for a long time…….bet you can’t believe I even commented!;) :)<3
I can NOT believe you commented. If you hadn’t have already texted me that you did, I think I’d be in shock. I will never give up trying to make Nags stop. We can just hold more of his jewelry hostage. I’ll look for some in the console of your car.
love this. thanks for the 337 info, never knew about that. have been missing your thoughts, Robyn, you have a following please dont go dark for long periods of time!!! we miss you when your gone….again thanks for the 337 info, thats the best thing ive learned all day!! hope youre well….xxo
Oh, Katie…you are going to LOVE 3-3-7. It will change your life. I’d like an update every once in a while about how much you use it. So happy to have you as a reader. You always, always make me smile.
I texted you from a concert…but it was Kid Rock…and I wanted you to hold my hand for 30 minutes!!
Love you.
You text me from KR and I was very sad that we weren’t together…holding hands…for way too long. XOXO Love you.