Dear President Obama,
I have been going back and forth about whether or not I should discuss the Israeli-Hamas war on Dim Sum and Doughnuts. It’s not a topic I feel totally comfortable with for the following reasons:
A) There are lots of different perspectives out there.
B) I have been living at an overnight camp for the last few months so my knowledge of what is happening in the real world is somewhat limited. The current events in my world are more along the lines of whether we’re having chicken nuggets or mac & cheese for lunch today.
Still, I have to say something about this. How can I not? To not acknowledge it would be, well, to not acknowledge it—and I don’t want to do that. It’s real and it’s ON, so here I go:
I can’t figure out what you’re doing. I’m not seeing any moral support for the Israelis at all. Nothing. Zero. Not a “We’re with you, Israel!!” or “Go Israel!!“ How about “We agree with you, Israel! The United States of America is also against Islamic Radical Terrorists!! WOOT WOOT!!”
There are people out there blaming Israel for defending itself. There are people saying that the Palestinians are being treated unfairly. Are you one of those people, Mr. President? And if you are, are you for real?
The Palestinians elected a terrorist government. Hamas started this war. They’re out for blood. Lots of blood. They want more blood, more violence, more suffering, more death. And there are people, lots of people, including you, President Obama, who are pointing fingers at Israel—like ISRAEL is the instigator.
Come on.
There are several offensive tunnels in Gaza. Half or so of them extend into Israel. These tunnels cost around a million dollars apiece to build…steel, lighting, all that crap, and on top of that, they’re stocked with weapons: Explosives, handcuffs, syringes, ropes, tranquilizers…crazy stuff! Seems to me that the tunnels pretty much exist so bad people can gain access to Israel and launch attacks.
That’s not cool. Of course Israel is going to fight back. Everyone knows when it comes to Israel—you mess with the bull, you’re gonna get the horns. What should they have done?
But, still, it seems most of the world, including YOU, Prezzy Prez, is rooting for Hamas.
Why? What GOOD will come of them winning?
If you had to choose where you’d rather live, Israel or Palestine, would you pick Palestine?? Not me. Sorry, Palestine. Israel just has a way better vibe. Palestine always seems to get entangled with radical terror groups: Jihad, Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, all BAD. It’s not like that in Israel. Israel is truly a whole country of “Live and Let Live.“ It’s all: Freedom! Democracy! Liberty!
Israel is welcoming to all religions, Jews, Muslims, Christians…they can all be citizens of Israel. I’m not kidding when I say that the Arabs living in Israel have more rights in Israel than the ones living in Arab nations. Israel is an ally to the U.S., it’s a beacon of freedom and it’s a country of huge economic success—despite the fact that pretty much every nation surrounding it wants to see its demise.
But that’s how it goes. If you want all the good stuff (freedom, democracy, liberty) you have to fight for it. Israel has been fighting terrorism since forever. It’s under constant threat. I remember seeing soldiers with big ass guns standing outside of stores when I was there over 20 years ago—and they weren’t looking for shoplifters.
I figure anyone who hates Israel must also hate the U.S. Both countries stand for all the same convictions; we value the same things, we have the same struggle. Calling for a cease-fire that immediately “addresses Gaza’s long-term development and economic needs” while rejecting or ignoring Israel’s goals (destroying the tunnels and delegitimizing Hamas) is going to get you WHERE?
Do you really think giving in to them is going to satisfy them? The terrorists will still exist and, not only that, they’ll be even more empowered!
You are giving Hamas everything they want. Why, President Obama? Obamarama. Obamalamadingdong. Why? It’s wrong, morally and politically. You have to know that.
American foreign policy is a hot mess. Get it together. And also, you totally messed up my health care.
Write back soon!
Love, Robyn
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Another reason why I love you so much!
Thank you, Patti! Pattilattiedingdong!!! 🙂
First: write back soon…flat out LOL!
I am truly impressed with your knowledge…I thought I was your news source. Way to express how WE all feel! This is an AMAZING post.
You are asking our illustrious leader to LEAD. Sadly, it’s never going to happen. No matter the issue, Putin, Hamas, immigration, IRS scandals, VA scandals, there will be a finger wag, a nonsensical speech and a fundraiser for the party. The world recognizes this and proceeds accordingly. We have become the toothless lion led by the emperor in his new clothes.
I’m inclined to agree with you at this point, Lisa. Makes me feel very sad, and very helpless. 🙁
Hot stuff Otis though? Really??
You are my news source but I’m up at camp so I was left to my own devices. My head was literally hurting last night after reading so much about the conflict.
I ❤ you! Obamalamadingdong?? Bahaaaaaa. You da funniest!
HAHAHAHA, Teisha!! Thank you!!
I’m proud of you, and this post.
Muchos Gracias!! 🙂
Well put Robyn!! Crazy shit!!
Crazy S**t indeed!!
Yes Yes Yes! I love this post and completely agree with you!!
WOOT WOOT, Liz!! 🙂
Love you.. Love this.. Totally agree!!! Go Israel .. You made me laugh out loud on my plane ride home from wherever I am!!
As long as you weren’t vacationing in Palestine…
TY!! I’m happy that it was OK. Thank you so much! 🙂
Well written. You have spoken the truth. It is a very sad situation.
It’s not like me to write on topics like this so I appreciate your comment more than you know.
Thank you for taking the time, Lois. Thank you very, very much. 🙂
Way to Go Robyn!! You hit this one!! I’m proud of you… And yes, even from a nurse perspective, Obamacare sucks!! Obamalamadingdong??? HILARIOUS!! Love 2 U!!
Thank you!!! 🙂
“These tunnels are how those 3 Israeli students were kidnapped and killed.”
Not true. The tunnels are from Gaza. The teenagers were kidnapped in the West Bank from a hitchhiking location. Your blog post will carry more weight if you remove this inaccuracy.
Hi Miriam,
Thank you so much for your comment.
Everything I read put me under the impression that the tunnels were exactly how the Hamas got to those kids. One article did say that the people responsible were not acting under Hamas orders, but they were, indeed, Hamas. I appreciate you bringing this to my attention as I completely agree, if my facts are accurate, I’m surely more credible. I’m going to look into it right now. Thank you! 🙂
I took it out. Better safe than sorry. I’d hate to be wrong during a full-on Robyn Rant. Thanks for looking out for me, Miriam. I won’t forget it. 🙂
Amazing!! Well done, I hope he reads it!!
I’m thinking he won’t, but you never know, right?? How CRAZY would that be? 🙂
Thanks for writing this!!!!
Someone I know was recently in Israel. While she was there just going to the store became an adventure. You have to plan everything that you do so that where ever you are, you can dash to the nearest shelter when the air raids sound. People think that because Israel has the Iron Dome that they are protected. What they don’t realize is those intercepted rockets from Hamas become shrapnel. A poor woman didn’t make it in time and got shrapnel in her back. What would Americans do if that was their daily life? I wish peace for the Palestinians, I just wish that Hamas did, too.
I’m not even going to bother coming up with a response to your comment because your last line was so beautiful, there truly is nothing more that needs to be said.
Thank you so much for your comment. I hope to hear from you again.
R 🙂
Hey Robyn,
this is really good!!!
Thanks, Bonnie!! 🙂
I agree with your post entirely. The sad part is Obama’s position on Israel was well known before he was elected. If people were engaged, knew where he really stood and not caught up in the hype he would not have been elected. I honestly can not understand how any Jewish person could have voted for him. baffling to me.
Clearly, I’m not a fan. That being said, to me, this isn’t about being Jewish or not Jewish, it’s about being American. I just don’t get it. I just don’t. Baffling to me too.
So happy to hear from you. I miss your insight!
Wait. You know what? You made a really good point, Mark. This war is affecting me because of all that’s happening, but I wouldn’t be as exposed to it if I wasn’t Jewish. I never thought of that.
You’re smart 🙂
Respect your opinion. I am not Jewish so I can’t have your perspective. I agree with some but not all of your post. My father and I talked about Israel many times before he died and he would have loved your perspective.
Oh, Andrea, I’m sorry about your dad. You have me so curious about him now! I thank you for your comment and respect that fact that you don’t agree with me. I knew when I put it out that I was taking that chance, but then again, I know that when I put out most of my posts. I usually keep my opinions to myself when it comes to politics because it can be very sticky, but I thought on this subject, I needed to say something.
Thank you for reading it, so much. 🙂
My dad died last August after suffering from a hemorrhagic stroke at 75. My dad was super liberal (way more than myself) and he and I differed on many issues. He felt that no matter what Israel had the right to act against threats real or perceived and I for the most part agreed with him. The only area we disagreed on was the occupation and I felt Israel should at least if only in pretense should to listen the concerns of the United States because of all the aid the US sends to it. He disagreed. I just feel for all the children caught up in these mess. Regarding the Presidents opinion on the current mess it is just that an opinion. The US no matter who is in office isn’t going to change it’s support of Israel nor should it. Again, I am not Jewish so I can’t have an opinion as it doesn’t affect my near and dear as it does yours.
Your dad sounds like he was very special, Andrea. I think he would have liked your description of him. 🙂
I don’t think you have to be Jewish to have an opinion. I would still have an opinion if I wasn’t Jewish. I don’t have any near and dear in Israel, I am just reacting to the news like anyone else. True, I wouldn’t be as exposed to it if I weren’t Jewish, but I would for sure have an opinion on it. That maybe be because I seem to have an opinion on pretty much everything though!!
I was listening to CNN today and they were talking about the difference in opinions about whose fault the mess in the middle east was. 30 something’s and younger are inclined to blame Israel and 60 and up blame Palestine. Some of the people they interviewed were in the same families and were Jewish and they placed the blame on different sides. I’m in my 50’s and don’t see what the 30 something crowd is seeing and I’m in the middle about what the older crowd sees. Part of the problem, I believe, is not enough about the Holocaust and the persecution of the Jewish people is being taught in schools which colors the perception of the younger crowd.
That’s very interesting that the 30 something’s were inclined to blame Israel. I would have thought of the 2 age groups, they would be more enlightened and progressive, but like you said, it’s all in what they’ve been taught, what they’ve been told and what they’ve been exposed to. 🙁