Dear Husband,
I had lunch with my mom today and I mentioned that you gave up part of a football game last night to watch a movie with me. The girls were asleep and we don’t get to hang out as much as we used to at night, but I was still kind of surprised because it was a big game. (The winning team will be playing in the Super Bowl). Even I considered watching the game instead of watching a George Clooney movie (but only for a few seconds because then I remembered it’s George Clooney).
After I told my mom about how you selflessly forfeited the game to be with me, she mentioned that her husband “Jangles” (who was a total sports fanatic before we sadly lost him in 2009) used to do that too, but then he would just watch the games later. He would just Tivo or DVR them.
I now believe that you did the same thing.
You love sports. You’re way into sports. Your cell phone ring tone is the theme song for Monday Night Football, your wardrobe (with the exception of items I have hidden or forbidden) is almost entirely made up of sports teams, and every time I turn on a TV in our house, it defaults to a sports station. (The last example, by the way, is very annoying to me).
You Tivo’d or DVR’d the game that was on last night, didn’t you, sly guy? I wouldn’t care if you owned up, but you tried to be all sly about it and put one over on me. You’er so sly. Sly Stallone. Sly fox. Sly and the Family Stone. I came in to watch the movie and I was a FOR REAL super-great wife: “Are you sure you don’t want to finish the game?“ and you were a FAKE super husband: “No, no. Let’s hang out, I don’t mind at all.”
Of course you didn’t mind! I am usually drooling with exhaustion 15 minutes into any movie and you probably figured you’d be back to the game in no time, or, worst case scenario: I might have lasted 30 minutes and even then, with all the commercials and TV time-outs it wouldn’t take you very long to fast forward and catch up.
But no…things didn’t work out that way, did they? No they did not…and why didn’t they?
Oh yeah, buddy. I stayed strong. I even threw in an inadvertent teaser at one point when I said: “This movie needs to end soon because I’m beat.” I didn’t even know your plan at the time. I bet you were not happy with George Clooney: “Damn you, George Clooney! Most every movie you are in pretty much blows, but now, all of the sudden you’re in a movie worth staying up for?”
I’m on to you, sports freak. I am ON to YOU. So know that.
Your wife (who is slyer than you)
Thanks for being here!
Facebook : DimSumandDoughnuts
Twitter: RobynCoden
Instagram: dimsumanddoughnuts
This is priceless~ I love it!
You know I’m the same way when it comes to hockey~ Gotta give him some props though cuz I’m sure his phone was blowing up with text messages about the game & what he was missing..hee hee!!
The letter rocks & you guys do too!
Hi Ang! Of course you “get it,” hockey princess…and don’t forget we almost had to have you home by 8PM that one Saturday so you could watch a football play-off game. You are all crazy! But I love you more than anything. XOXO
Your husband sounds like a very loving and caring person!
Whatever, Cody. You’re BUSTED!! (But I love you forever and ever).
This is so funny!
I get thrown over on a semi-regular basis for some Duke game, live on ESPN online. Never mind that dear husband didn’t go to Duke–his dad did—but still….
Maybe we get enough of each other? Last week, I insisted he buy in on Groupon tix the local hockey team was selling for a game next month. I like to think of it as buying myself some leverage and time away in advance. Clever and cunning or just apathetic? I’m still not sure….he’s awesome, in any case. And we don’t have TIVO or cable or a DVR… If only I could get him to kick the D&D online games–matrimonial bliss!
Hazel, Hazel–Hello!!!
Sounds to me like you guys have good balance. Cody and I are like that too. I tease him about all the sports but the truth is, I love that he loves it so much, and I especially love that little Lovey (at 2-1/2) climbs up on the couch and says “Football, daddy?” and she cuddles with him. It melts my heart. Plus, I’m busy. I don’t need him around me all the time. It’s almost better to keep him in one room, doing one thing, making ONE mess instead of all over the house…you know what I’m saying, sister? I think you do. 🙂
Always, always look forward to hearing from you. You know I do. XO
You know that I want your husband to teach my husband how to do this correctly. Mine wouldn’t even think about the DVR thing. He needs to watch it. With phone in hand to get the online commentary also.
But you know all this already!!
Love you!
Oh, ARPP. What are we going to do with you??? Well, actually I know that too…
Love YOU!